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The Best-Selling Book Infographic You Need Right Now

What makes a book go on to become a bestseller? While there’s certainly no magic formula, there are commonalities between best selling books. It bears some investigation!

The folks over at The Expert Editor have researched all the factors that determine a successful book and created a neat infographic. They researched factors like content, genre type, different publishing markets, and self-publishing vs traditional publishing, to see if there were any interesting trends. I thought their information uncovered great stuff you just have to see!

You may be surprised to know that the average length of a bestseller is 375 pages. If you think of it, a page a day will give you something in this length range in one year's time. Don't talk yourself out of it!

Books with a female protagonist are more likely to be successful, while men lean towards male protagonists. Be sure to examine your target audience because this tidbit alone can help you look at what you're providing your fans.

Also, while romance books gross more sales, more people have read a crime/thriller book than any other genre. Is your genre in the top five? Scan below to check. If you've been stuck in horror but looking to branch out, another one of these might bring you great exposure!

Check out more interesting data on what makes a best-selling book in the infographic below.

Let me know your thoughts. Do these statistics ring true for what you've done in your own writing? Does an infographic like this intimidate you into thinking it's not even worth starting a book? Comment below to keep the conversation going!

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